Wren Pfahl is a flutist, private flute instructor, and arts administrator who recently completed her studies at Oklahoma City University. Originally from Hendersonville, Tennessee, she received her Bachelor’s degree in Flute Performance from Oklahoma City University in 2018 and chose to continue on as a graduate, working towards a Master’s in Flute Performance, which she was granted in the fall of 2020.
During her time at Oklahoma City University, she served as principal flutist in the OCU Symphony Orchestra, Wind Philharmonic, and Opera and Musical Theatre Orchestra and was a section flutist with the Oklahoma Composer’s Orchestra. In 2017, she was a winner of OCU’s Concerto Competition and was the Woodwind Division winner of the Oklahoma City Community Orchestra Young Artist Competition performing the Concerto for Piccolo, RV 443 by Antonio Vivaldi. In 2018, she was a finalist in the Oklahoma Flute Society’s Young Artist Competition and performed as a soloist with the Oklahoma City Society of Strings Sinfonia. Wren has had the opportunity to play with renowned musicians, participating in masterclasses with Amy Porter and Mimi Stillman, and rehearsing with musicians from the New York Philharmonic.
Wren Pfahl performing with the OCU Symphony Orchestra as a winner of the Concerto Competition, 2017
Her favorite memory was performing principal flute on Ravel’s Daphnis et Chloe on her 24th birthday with the OCU Symphony Orchestra. As someone who aspires to have an orchestral piccolo career, she never imagined that she would play this iconic flute solo which is one of the most famous in the orchestral repertoire. She recalls this experience as being equally one of the most terrifying and gratifying moments of her entire life thus far.
Wren Pfahl playing with the OCU Wind Philharmonic
Ever since Wren moved to Oklahoma, leaving the door of possibilities open has allowed several unexpected opportunities to come her way. In addition to freelance performing in the OKC metro, she has been working her way up in the nonprofit sector, specifically with the Oklahoma Youth Orchestra. Wren began as an intern with Oklahoma Youth Orchestras in 2017. She was appointed as the Community Relations Coordinator in 2018 and promoted to Manager in 2020. Also during her time in Oklahoma, she has developed a private lessons studio that she wishes to continue expanding. Eventually, Wren hopes to win a 3rd flute/piccolo position with an orchestra.
When Wren was asked to provide some wisdom and encouragement to fellow students she reflected on her experience at Oklahoma City University and said...
“It’s simple: you get what you give. It’s no secret that college is hard, and every day in school you are building a reputation that will influence your career as soon as you graduate. Your professors and applied teachers notice if you are showing up to class and rehearsals on time and prepared; if you’re turning in your homework; if you have a positive attitude, or not. The reputation you build and the connections you make will determine whether someone recommends you for a job or somebody else. It’s important to proofread that essay one more time, study for 30 more minutes, and to listen to your repertoire before rehearsal. For me, there has never been a moment where going the extra mile hasn’t paid off.”
Wren Pfahl performing at her Graduate Recital, March 2020
Wren has been such an important part of our studio and words truly cannot describe how much she will be missed. Her presence was and continues to be inspiring; from her fun-loving, quirky attitude to her loyalty and passion, and of course her musicality. As a studio, we will carry her spirit forward, forever appreciating her time with us.
“I truly love being involved in music from so many different angles and perspectives. The sky’s the limit and I am excited to see what opportunities the future has in store.” - Wren Pfahl