Where Do I Find Information on That?
OCU Campus Health Clinic has compiled a list of websites on subjects that are common for College Students to have questions about. We also have a few websites with general health and wellness information for other issues not specifically addressed.
When looking at websites on health and wellness issues, use this information as a general guideline. It can be dangerous to self-diagnose yourself or a friend without proper medical training. If you are worried about a possible disease or injury, please see a trained medical provider. Personal Counselors are also available on campus for students having issues with emotions, stress, or difficult life situations. Remember – YOU are strong and smart if you ask for help when you need it.
- General Health Information: www.goaskalice.columbia.edu www.cdc.gov
- Addiction: www.na.org
- Cancer: www.cancer.org
- Alcohol: www.collegedrinkingprevention.gov www.factsontap.org
- Domestic Violence: www.ywca.org
- Mental Health: www.nami.org www.nimh.nih.gov
- Ovarian Cancer: ovarian.org
- Sexual Health: www.plannedparenthood.org www.cdc.gov/std
- Sexual Violence: www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/index.html www.rainn.org
- Tobacco Helpline: okhelpline.com
- Women’s Health: www.womenshealth.gov www.plannedparenthood.org
Campus Resources
OCU University Counseling - 405-208-7901, located in Walker Hall Dorm - North Entrance
Travel Immunizations - Check out the CDC's website for required and suggested immunizations for your destination.
Additional Resources
Here are some great links to helpful medical information.
Go Ask Alice- questions and answers from a college health professional.
Smoking & Tobacco Use - smoking cessation information
Intimate/Dating Violence