Oklahoma City University | Health & Wellness Links Skip to content

Health & Wellness Links

Where Do I Find Information on That?

OCU Campus Health Clinic has compiled a list of websites on subjects that are common for College Students to have questions about. We also have a few websites with general health and wellness information for other issues not specifically addressed.

When looking at websites on health and wellness issues, use this information as a general guideline. It can be dangerous to self-diagnose yourself or a friend without proper medical training. If you are worried about a possible disease or injury, please see a trained medical provider. Personal Counselors are also available on campus for students having issues with emotions, stress, or difficult life situations. RememberYOU are strong and smart if you ask for help when you need it.

Campus Resources

OCU University Counseling - 405-208-7901, located in Walker Hall Dorm - North Entrance

Travel Immunizations - Check out the CDC's website for required and suggested immunizations for your destination.

Additional Resources

Here are some great links to helpful medical information.

Go Ask Alice- questions and answers from a college health professional.

Smoking & Tobacco Use - smoking cessation information

Intimate/Dating Violence

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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