Interpersonal violence can be identified as controlling behaviors that include physical, mental, verbal, emotional, spiritual, and financial intimidation and abuse displayed in an interpersonal relationship. These relationships may be romantic, platonic or roommate in orientation and are a result of a desire for power and control over an individual.
Often times, the level of abuse can escalate over time in a gradual fashion and it can be difficult to detect that the relationship is heading in a direction of power and control domination. Some signs to be aware of include:
Isolation from support systems
Love bombing (excessive displays of attention)
Lack of privacy
Accusations and lack of trust in communication
Control of finances, clothing and transportation
Refusal to account for behaviors and actions
Insults veiled as jokes
Comments on appearance
Relationships will often not start with physical abuse but they may escalate to reaching the point of physical threats, intimidation, and harm. Leaving relationships in which there is interpersonal violence can further escalate the physical threat of injury and it can be difficult to predict safety.
The following are resources that may be accessed for those living with interpersonal violence:
Domestic Violence Services | YWCA Oklahoma City – Eliminating Racism Empowering Women (
Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault (OCADVSA)
Title IX Information | Oklahoma City University (
Counseling Services | Oklahoma City University (
Oklahoma City University Police | Oklahoma City University (
You also may choose not to report the interpersonal violence. If you would like to talk with someone in a confidential setting, please contact University Counseling.