These regulations are applicable to all members of the University community – faculty, staff, students, visitors, vendors, and contractors.
These definitions apply throughout this document:
- Apartment Resident is any OCU student living in the Cokesbury Court Apartments
- Commuter is any OCU student who does not reside on campus.
- Resident is any OCU student living in a University residence hall.
- Visitor is any person unaffiliated with OCU as an employee, student, vendor, or contractor.
These rules and regulations have been approved and adopted by the administration of Oklahoma City University. They may be revised, altered, or amended when conditions warrant. The text of all substantive changes will be e-mailed to all faculty, staff, and students or published in the student newspaper, The Campus.
The University reserves the right to change the allocation of parking spaces at any time to meet overall University community needs, including, but not limited to, visitor parking for University special events. OCU is not required to announce temporary changes in allocation or enforcement of these regulations. The OCU Police Department will make a reasonable effort to notify beforehand any user group that may be affected by temporary changes in allocation or availability.
- Oklahoma State Statutes and City of Oklahoma City municipal ordinances governing registration, licensure, and/or operation of motor vehicles are applicable on campus and surrounding areas.
- The speed limit on university streets and parking lots is 10 miles per hour unless otherwise posted.
- Pedestrians have the right-of-way at all times.
- Except for university vehicles, motor vehicles (including mopeds with engine engaged) may only be driven on roadways, and must observe applicable statutes/ordinances. Only certain university-owned vehicles may be driven on sidewalks.
- All on-campus accidents must be reported to the OCU Police Department at once and before the vehicles are moved.
- Bicycles
- When ridden on streets or in areas intended for use by motor vehicles, bicycles shall observe the “rules of the road” applicable to those vehicles
- Bicycles may be ridden on campus sidewalks, but must always be under control, operated at a safe speed, and yield the right-of-way to pedestrians
- Bicycles may not be ridden inside any university building
- When parked outdoors, bicycles must be in bicycle racks. Bicycles found unsecured may be secured for safekeeping. Bicycles parked other than in bicycle racks may be issued a parking citation and are subject to impoundment.
- In-Line Roller Skates, Roller Skates, and Skateboards
- In-line roller skates, roller skates, and skateboards may only be used on campus sidewalks by students, but must always be under control of the user, operated in a safe manner compatible with the flow of pedestrian traffic, and yield the right-of-way to pedestrians
- “Stunting” of any kind is strictly prohibited
- In-line roller skates, roller skates, and skateboards may not be used inside any university building.
- Emergency vehicles are exempt from university traffic regulations.
- Only parking permits issued or authorized by the OCU Police Department are valid and will be honored. Such substitutes as signs or decals made or issued by others, hand-written notes left on the exterior of a vehicle, etc. will not be honored. United Methodist Clergy passes will be honored.
- All parking spaces are allocated to a specific user group and parking permits are available for each category of user.
- Parking is on a first-come, first-served basis. The issuance of a parking permit merely constitutes authorization to park if space is available. The responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator. Lack of space in a particular lot is not a valid excuse for violating parking regulations, and will not be considered as a valid basis for appeal.
- The operator must park only in those spaces or areas allocated and designated for the permit type displayed on his/her vehicle.
- Motor vehicles must be parked within the boundaries of the single parking space used. The fact that other motor vehicles may have parked improperly does not constitute an excuse for parking any part of your motor vehicle outside the space boundaries.
- Double-parking or parking in any position that prevents other vehicles from entering or exiting their legal parking spaces is prohibited.
- Vehicles parking on a street must be parked the same direction as the flow of traffic in the adjacent lane.
- Motorcycles may park in any valid parking space.
- The responsibility to pay tickets written to any vehicle, no matter who the registered owner is, remains with the registered owner of the parking permit displayed.
- Parking on campus is prohibited in areas other than those established for parking and marked by signs or other devices controlling their use
- Any vehicle parking in a yellow zone, driveway, travel lane, curbs or any area not specifically marked as a legal parking space will be subject to citation and may be impounded
- Spaces identified by a sign or pavement marking bearing the international pictographic symbol for a wheelchair are reserved for use only by vehicles displaying a state-issued physical disability permit in conjunction with an appropriate purchased university permit. The state-issued physical disability permit must be issued to either the driver or a passenger of the vehicle
- Spaces identified by signage for use by visitors or Admissions guests are reserved for their use between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Persons affiliated with the university as employees, students, office occupants, or tenants shall not park any vehicle, registered with the university or not, in a visitor / admissions guest parking space during those hours.
- All vehicles parking on campus should be secured against theft or burglary. Doors should be locked and windows rolled up.
- All parking permit restrictions are applicable during exam weeks, enrollment periods, and unscheduled class cancellations.
- A standard color-code is used on curbing, edge-striping, and other parking space identification to indicate certain restrictions as follows:
- Yellow means No Parking Any Time
- White means parking is reserved for 15-minute Loading or Service Vehicle Use
- Blue means parking is reserved for use by Physically Disabled Permit Holders
- Red means Fire Lane: No Parking Any Time.
- Motor vehicle maintenance, such as washing with a hose, changing oil, or repair work involving removal of major parts of the vehicles, is not permitted on campus.
- Vehicles with flat tires or other evidence of non-use, left parked in the same space for more than one (1) week, will be considered derelict or abandoned and are subject to ticketing and/or impoundment.
- Persons who park near the athletic fields do so at their own risk. The university is not liable for damage caused to vehicles by stray balls.
- No motor vehicle may be parked on campus without a valid parking permit or other authorization from the Police Department, except between the hours of 7 p.m. Fridays and 7 a.m. Mondays. Housing permits (Cokesbury Court, Walker Hall, Banning Hall, and United Methodist Hall) are required for their parking spaces at all times, unless marked for visitors. Safety regulations are enforced at all times.
- No vehicle is considered “legal” for parking purposes until the permit has been properly and visibly displayed in the vehicle as instructed below.
- University permits shall be affixed to the lower, right corner of the vehicle's back window
- Temporary permits shall be hung from the rearview mirror with the permit number visible from the front of the vehicle.
- Motorcycle permits shall be affixed to the left-hand fork or if applicable a standard university permit may be displayed on the lower left-hand corner of the windshield.
- Permits are available, during regular business hours, at the Student Account’s office located in suite 340 of the Clara Jones Administration Building.
- Anyone desiring a University parking permit must complete the form provided by the Student Accounts Office
- Any person who gives false information on the application/registration form may be subject to fines and/or university disciplinary action
- The cost of parking permits are set by the Parking Permit Fee Schedule. All permits expire August 31 each year.
- Permits will be billed to university accounts, or direct payments may be made at the Student Accounts, Suite 340 of the Clara Jones Administration Building, during regular business hours.
- Permits are available on or after August 1 of each year.
- Each person purchasing a parking permit will be issued a permit that is transferable to any vehicle driven by the permit owner.
- The University is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen parking permits. Lost or stolen permits must be reported immediately to the OCU Police Department regardless of the location at which the loss/theft occurred. Any vehicle displaying a parking permit that has been reported lost or stolen will be issued a parking citation and may be impounded.
- Permits may not be re-sold to a second party. Permits determined to be in use by other than the purchaser are void and subject to confiscation. Any vehicle in which such permit is displayed is subject to impoundment.
- Vehicles shall not display more than one (1) OCU parking permit. This includes permits from previous academic years.
- Temporary Permits: Students, Faculty and Staff with current OCU Parking Permit or Vendors may receive up to two (3) free Temporary Permits per year. Each temporary permit shall only be valid for a maximum of two (2) weeks. Parking permit fees apply for any temporary permits after the two free permits. Temporary permits may be obtained from the Police Department twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days per week, or at the Student Accounts office during regular business hours.
- Owners are responsible for removing university parking permits prior to the sale / disposal of any vehicle.
- Students, Faculty and Staff may not park in visitor parking, with or without a permit.
VII. Student Parking Regulations
- General Restrictions and Parking Provisions:
- Parking permit restrictions in all parking areas are enforced from the first day of class through the last day of finals each semester
- Student parking areas may not be enforced for permit restrictions during intersession periods.
- Cokesbury and Methodist Hall permitted motor vehicles must remain parked in their respective complexes except on
- Weekends between 7 p.m. Fridays and 7 a.m. Mondays.
- Student Employees:
- Students holding university employment in student positions are not eligible for employee parking privileges.
- Students appointed as full-time university employees may choose to be designated either as a student or as faculty/staff regarding parking, but may not be designated as both.
- Parking Locations – Permit holders may only park in areas of campus allowed by their parking permit type. The parking areas are designated in the Official University Parking Map and Parking Area Chart included with these parking regulations. Always refer to the latest versions of the regulations and parking map on the OCUPD website. Parking areas may be further restricted by signage, not necessarily included on the map.
- Appeals
- Student or Staff/Faculty citation appeals must be filed with the OCU Police Department within 10 calendar days of issuance. Appeal forms are available at the OCUPD. Appeals filed after 10 calendar days will not be considered.
- The OCU Police Department will take all student appeals to be reviewed by Student Affairs through Student Court. Faculty and Staff Citation appeals will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the CFO.
- If the student requests an appeals hearing with the Student Court then fails to appear in the court, the student will be assessed an additional $25.00 fine
- The decision of the Student Court is final.
- Payment
- Students are not allowed to enroll or to pay tuition without first paying parking fines/fees charged to their account
- All parking citations can be paid in person at the Student Account's Office, Suite 340 Clara Jones Administration Building.
- Citations can also be paid online if the citation ahs already been applied to the student account (this typically happens approximately 14 days after the issuance of the citation).
- Individuals or departments planning to conduct short courses, workshops, conferences, or special events to which persons from off-campus will be invited, should inform the OCU Police Department as soon as possible, preferably one (1) month in advance of the event, regarding the anticipated attendance, duration of the event, and special parking or traffic management requirements.
- Please contact the OCU Police Department for other regulations regarding special event parking.
- Students, faculty members, or staff may apply in advance for temporary parking permits for individuals or groups whom they invite to the campus. Sufficient advance notice should be given to the OCU Police Department [minimum of one (1) week] to make appropriate arrangements.
- From time to time parking areas may be barricaded, roped off, or otherwise marked as reserved for university guests. Students, Staff, and Faculty who disregard these barriers are subject to ticketing and / or impoundment of vehicles.
- All notifications to the OCU Police Department will be made through Emergency notifications should not go through this media but should be called in directly to the OCU emergency number (405-208-5911).
- Students with disabilities shall meet with Disability Services (DAS) by appointment to arrange for special parking situations. Students, Faculty, Staff or others with state issued disabled parking permits must also display a university parking permit.
- Vehicles without a current OCU parking permit may be impounded or immobilized with wheel locks on the vehicle after three (3) citations.
- Students, faculty, and staff accruing more than five (5) tickets during any one (1) academic year may receive additional penalties which may include:
- Referral to appropriate campus authorities for disciplinary proceeding
- Additional fine
- Impoundment of the vehicle
- Loss of parking privileges
For the health of our students, faculty, staff, and anyone who visits our campus, no tobacco use of any kind is permitted—inside or outside of buildings—anywhere on the OCU campus, effective May 18th, 2008.
The university community takes pride in the beautifully landscaped campus and adheres to the Oklahoma State Statute for littering (§21-1761.1) which states that it is illegal to:
- Throw, drop, dump, deposit, or discard garbage, trash, waste or other substances on public property or on private property without the owner's consent.
OCUPD reserves the right to issue a state ticket for this violation or issue an OCU citation for students and faculty/staff. OCUPD has the authority to issue any state ticket and enforce any state law on campus at the discretion of the officer.
Students, faculty, and staff are required to be in possession of their OCU I.D. at all times when on campus. These must be presented to any OCU official upon request.
Building hours are posted on all campus buildings and are secured no later than midnight. Students remaining in buildings after posted hours unaccompanied by full time faculty or staff members are subject to being fined.
The OCU Police Department provides safety escorts on campus at anytime, and to certain local apartment complexes at scheduled intervals. The escort is provided at no charge. Contact the OCU Police Department for times and apartment locations.
For Additional Information
Oklahoma City University Police Department Non-Emergency: (405) 208-5001
Fax: (405) 208-6039
Email: [email protected]
Revision Date 12/18/2024